Last updated on June 19th, 2021 at 04:36 pm EST

We have zero tolerance for hate and discrimination, whether they be directed toward people because of their race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, culture, or other defining characteristics. Furthermore, we believe that ignorance is harmful, not bliss. We denounce, deplore, and reject all acts of bias, discrimination, and harassment fueled by hate, regardless of whether they are performed willfully or are the product of ignorance.

The nature of our work connects us with people from various countries around the world. That’s one of the things we love the most about the job: our closeness to diversity. We recognize this diversity, we appreciate this diversity, and we consider it a privilege to work with such a culturally rich clientele.

We believe that every Costa Rica traveler is entitled to a travel experience that is free from hate. Our role in providing this travel experience includes the following:

  • Being supportive, respectful, and inclusive of all Pura Vida! eh? Inc. clients regardless of their race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, and culture.
  • Treating all Pura Vida! eh? Inc. clients equally, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, and culture.
  • Welcoming comments and/or requests from Pura Vida! eh? Inc. clients who have special needs that are specific to their race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, and culture.
  • Accepting comments or complaints from Pura Vida! eh? Inc. clients that pertain to the conduct of Costa Rica tour operators.

Hate, racism, xenophobia, inequality, and discrimination oppose our core values. With respect to travel and tourism, no Costa Rica traveler should feel uncomfortable, unsafe, disrespected, excluded, or unfairly treated during their trip because of their race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, or culture. Should you experience hate or discrimination during time spent communicating or exploring Costa Rica with one or more of our tour operator partners, please let us know so we can raise your concern with the tour operator directly.

Additionally, we believe that no Costa Rican, regardless of whether they self-identify as being Black or an Afro-Descendent, Indigenous, Chinese or an Asian-Descendent, of Mixed Ancestry (either Mestizo or Mulatto), or a member of a different ethnicity group, should experience hate spewed by fellow Costa Ricans or foreign visitors. If you’ve chosen to visit Costa Rica over all other nations, we also hope you’ll choose to be open, kind, non-judgmental, and accepting toward the nationals you’ll encounter during your trip, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, and culture. Travel is not a right, it is a privilege, and while it is our absolute pleasure to assist most people in enjoying this privilege, we will not work with travelers who express hateful or harmful words or beliefs that target the race, sexual orientation, self-identified gender(s), faith, religion, country of residence, or culture of any Costa Rican. If you witness an act of hate or discrimination performed by a traveler toward a Costa Rican who is employed by one of our tour operator partners (such as a tour guide or a driver), please let us know so we can check in with the individual directly.

Lastly, if you feel there is a better way for us at Pura Vida! eh? Inc. to conduct a more inclusive service, please share your ideas with us. We are listening. ❤️