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    • #105273 Reply

        I booked tours for our family through the website but can’t find confirmation. How do I get confirmation?

      • #105274 Reply

          Hi Karen!

          Thanks so much for reaching out! 🙂

          Unfortunately, your tour request was canceled because we didn’t hear back from you regarding our emails. To confirm, we sent you 4 emails since you first placed your order, and we didn’t hear back from you about any of those emails, which were sent over the past few weeks. 🙁

          One of the emails contained the tour operator’s time-sensitive payment instructions, and since those instructions weren’t followed, the tour request was canceled and no tour confirmation was provided. To confirm, the email we sent you on March 30th provided an opportunity for you to avoid the cancelation, but since we didn’t receive a response from you to that email, the cancelation was approved and the tour spaces were released by the tour operator.

          Our online messaging system saves sent emails as web forms, so for your convenience, you can view our sent messages via the following links:

          First email (sent March 13th), which was an introductory email:

          Second email (sent March 14th), which was an email that contained payment instructions:

          Third email (sent March 30th), which was a reminder email about the payment instructions and an opportunity to avoid tour cancelation:

          Fourth email (sent April 1st), which was a notification of tour cancelation:

          Pura vida!

        • #105277 Reply

            I went back through my email and there were no emails from those dates. I don’t ever delete anything and I checked the spam. I would like to request a refund.

          • #105282 Reply

              Good morning Karen!

              No problem! I preapproved the full refund on my end the other day when the order was canceled, and it has officially been submitted to PayPal for processing. PayPal is showing the estimated fund delivery time to be 2:00pm EST/EDT on April 7th, so you should receive the funds from them then, and they typically send out their own emails regarding transactions, so you should receive a separate email from them confirming the refund when they finalize it. 🙂

              Pura vida!

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