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    • #104389 Reply
      Christianne Green

        Hi! We are wondering if you could secure tours for us on short notice. We have five people wanting to do the Gravity Falls tour on Monday, Dec 20. We would also love to do the sky trek ziplining tour tomorrow, Dec 18 or Sunday, Dec 19. Are any of those available on short notice with the discount?

      • #104398 Reply

          Hi Christianne!

          Thanks so much for your interest in our discounts! Unfortunately, it’s too late for us to provide you with our Gravity Falls discount, but we can still provide a discount for the Sky Trek tour for December 19th (unfortunately, it’s too late or us to arrange this for tomorrow) if you’re able to submit the official discount order through our website within the next few hours, and assuming you’ll have access to the internet for the rest of the day today so you’ll be able to complete Sky Adventures’s payment instructions before the day’s end to guarantee the tour.

          When you go to place your discount order through our website, you’ll notice that the little calendar (where you select the date) won’t let you choose Sunday’s date because it’s within the next 10 days, but you can simply type in the date manually to select the 19th of December.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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