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    • #104136 Reply
      Kimm Anderson

        Hello – I am in the US and would love to purchase tickets through your website but I’m a little nervous…all places including hot springs and Mistic Park accept your discounted tickets? Please advise – thanks so much!

      • #104139 Reply

          Hi Kimm!

          Thank you so much for your interest in our discounts! I’ll do my best to put your mind at ease, but if you have additional questions, feel free to write back here and I can answer them. 🙂

          To confirm, we don’t offer our own tickets for any tours or activities, we simply provide access to discounted rates for the tour operators’ own tickets. For example, if you plan to visit the Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park to tour their hanging bridges, the tickets you’ll purchase will be the park’s own tickets, not ours. The only difference is, by placing your order through our site, you’ll pay the park our discounted rate for their tickets as opposed to their original rate for their tickets. Also to confirm, you won’t pay us for the tickets (we don’t accept any payment for tour operators’ tours or activities), you’ll pay the tour operators directly. So, in this example, if you plan to visit the Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges Park, the payment you’ll make for their tickets will be made to the park directly, not to us. 🙂

          Pura vida!

        • #104142 Reply

            Wonderful, thank you so much for the quick reply.

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