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    • #104090 Reply
      Linda Turkstra


        I am interested in booking the tour of the Springs Resort Hot Springs along with two of their other activities on December 29. Before I found your site, I tried to book direct but they said they were only offering this opportunity to their hotel guests as it is their busy season. Will your discount tour work for this week?

        Thank you,

        Linda Turkstra

      • #104091 Reply

          Hi Linda!

          Thanks so much for your interest in our discounts! 🙂

          You’re absolutely correct–the Springs Resort won’t be able to provide availability to you on December 29th because they close availability to the public between December 17th, 2021, and January 8th, 2022. This rule applies to everyone, so, unfortunately, we won’t be able to provide availability for any date within that range of dates either. 🙁

          Pura vida!

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