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    • #108280 Reply

        Hi! I want to book the springs resort day pass with a meal included for November 12 which is in 10 days. Your website says 10 days in advance can you please help me to confirm tickets?

        4 adults with dinner
        November 12


      • #108281 Reply

          Hi Chaya!

          Thanks so much for your interest! 🙂 Our website doesn’t count today’s date, so in this case, since it’s November 3rd, the soonest we’d be able to offer a discounted hot springs pass would be November 13th. That said, if you’re able to submit the request by the end of the day today, we can squeeze in the request for you for a November 12th date. When you go to select the date when placing an order, our website won’t allow you to select the date of November 12th because that’s within the next 10 days, but you can just manually type in the date, or else you can select the date of November 13th on the calendar and then specify in the notes box on the checkout screen that the correct date should be November 12th.

          Pura vida!

        • #108284 Reply

            Thank you!

            I booked it and put in November 12 and it worked! If you can please confirm on your end.

            Thank you so much for helping me!

          • #108287 Reply

              Hi Chaya!

              No problem at all! The order has been processed on our end. (You should have received an automated email from us about that.) Please keep an eye on your inbox because we’ll send you another message explaining the next steps once the Springs Resort gets back to us.

              Until soon!

            • #108290 Reply

                Thank you!!

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