Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Sky Adventures Monteverde & hotel pickups

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    • #101290 Reply

        I am interested in booking the Sky Trek canopy tour, hanging bridges, And Sky Tram aerial tram in Monteverde. I want to check whether my hotel falls within the regular transportation zone (as noted in the description). I will be staying at Hotel Don Taco.

        Thank you!

      • #101295 Reply

          Hello Ashley!

          Thanks so much for your question and for your interest in our Monteverde Sky Trek, Sky Walk, and Sky Tram discount! 🙂

          To answer your question, yes! Hotel Don Taco does fall within Sky Adventures’ normal pick-up/drop-off zone in Monteverde. This being said, Sky Adventures is a tour operator that does not automatically include round-trip transportation to/from any hotels in any of their tour rates (some tour operators in Costa Rica automatically include round-trip transportation in their rates and others do not). Sky Adventures charges an extra fee (you’ll see this noted as the optional “Transportation Option” add-on on the tour’s listing page here: https://puravidaeh.ca/discounts/sky-trek-canopy-tour-ziplining-sky-walk-hanging-bridges-tour-sky-tram-aerial-tram-ride-adult-monteverde-sky-adventures/) to any/all travelers who want them to provide round-trip transportation with their tours. Sky Adventures’ prices vary by hotel location, but since Hotel Don Taco falls within their normal transportation zone, their regular, flat rate, round-trip transportation cost of $10 per person to/from Monteverde hotels applies.

          If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

          Pura vida! 🙂

        • #101321 Reply

            Thank you for replying so quickly Nikki! Will book today.

          • #101333 Reply

              Hello Ashley!

              No problem at all and no need to thank us–thank YOU for your preference! 🙂

              Pura vida!!

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