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    • #105599 Reply
      Pedro Magana

        We put in a request on May 6th for the Sky Trek Canopy Tour (Ziplining, Sky Walk Hanging Bridges Tour, And Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride) for Monday, May 30, 2022 but we have yet to receive a confirmation email. When should we be expecting a confirmation email? Any update is appreciated!

      • #105600 Reply

          Hi Pedro!

          Thank you so much for commenting here to let us know! I’ve just re-sent you our two messages. When you have a moment, would you mind checking your inbox (and junk/trash folders) to see if you’ve received them? If not, just let me know by commenting on this forum again and I can send the messages to you in a different way. 🙂

          Pura vida!

          • #105601 Reply

              Hi! I received your emails and responded back. Thanks a lot! 🙂

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