Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Question: Sky Trek Canopy Tour (Ziplining) With Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by ,Nikki.
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    • #107032 Reply

        Greetings and thanks for the services you provide. Question on the Sky Trek Canopy Tour (Ziplining) With Sky Tram Aerial Tram Ride:

        Does this include general admission to the park? Meaning, once done with the zip lining and tram ride, are we free to walk (self-guided) the bridges trail?

        Thanks in advance for your response!

      • #107039 Reply

          Did some more research. Looks like the “Sky Walk” is a separate event for which there is another discount for Trek/Tram/Walk. Thanks!

        • #107142 Reply

            Hey Stan!

            That’s correct! The Sky Walk hanging bridges are a different experience entirely. They’re at the same park as the Sky Tram aerial tram and the Sky Trek canopy zip-lining tour (Sky Adventures’s Park); however, like the Sky Tram aerial tram and the Sky Trek canopy zip-lining tour activities, the Sky Walk hanging bridges also require a reservation (regardless of whether you want to tour the hanging bridges on your own or with a guide).

            Also to confirm, there is no entrance fee to enter the park, but the park is private property. That means that when you reserve an activity operated by Sky Adventures (i.e., their Sky Tram aerial tram ride, their Sky Trek canopy zip-lining tour, their Sky Walk hanging bridges, or a combination of these activities), you don’t need to pay an additional park entrance fee; the cost of the activity is the only cost you’ll pay. That said, you cannot visit the park unless you have a reservation for one of Sky Adventures’s activities, so there’s no option to visit the park, pay an entrance fee, and roam around like people do at national parks, for example.

            Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have other questions! 🙂

            Pura vida!

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