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    • #106716 Reply
      Andres Marten


        I purchased a discount through paypal (i think i payed 29.99), but I fidnt recwove an email to become a member, please help!

        Thank you

      • #106723 Reply

          Hey Andres!

          This quick message is simply to check in with you to see if you received the account registration email? It gets sent out automatically following PayPal payment, but it often ends up in junk mail folders. Sometimes email providers block the message entirely if they don’t recognize us as a sender. After I received your forum comment (above) yesterday, I re-sent the registration link, but we haven’t yet received notification that you’ve registered your account. Were you able to receive either of the two registration emails? They may be in your junk mail or trash bin folders. Someone once told us that Gmail auto-filed it into their “Promotions” folder. I’m not sure what that is because I don’t use Gmail, but you could also try looking there.

          Until soon! 🙂

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