Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Pickup sites in Zeta Trece for excursions

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 months ago by ,Nikki.
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    • #108135 Reply
      Debby Johnson

        Hi, we are considering an Airbnb in Zeta trece. Is there a pick up hotel for excursions that we could walk to? We would be located close to the Vista Del Cerro.

      • #108227 Reply

          Hi Debby!

          Of the La Fortuna tour operators that include complimentary transportation with their tours, most consider hotels in the Zeta Trece community to be “La Fortuna accommodations” (despite them sitting on the outskirts of La Fortuna), so they qualify for the free pick-up and drop-off service. That being said, not all tour operators will provide transportation to/from Airbnbs like they will hotels. Popular Airbnbs that are easy to access by bus often qualify for complimentary transportation services but others do not. In the event that the specific Airbnb you plan to stay at doesn’t qualify, you can plan to get picked up and dropped off at the nearest qualifying property, such as Hotel Vista del Cerro, as you note. 🙂

          Pura vida!

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