Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Mistico birdwatching tickets for children

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    • #106593 Reply
      Beverly Monroe

        Your website is so thorough and helpful! Thank you!
        I do have a question, though. I see you offer discounts for children on the birdwatching tour, but when I go to the Mistico birdwatching tour on their website it says children under 10 not allowed. I don’t understand the difference. Thanks!

      • #106622 Reply

          Hi Beverly!

          Thank you so much for your kind comments! 🙂

          I can certainly help. You’re absolutely correct in understanding that the Mistico Park does not allow children under the age of 10 to participate in their bird-watching tour. (The same minimum age policy applies to the Mistico Park’s night tour.) For this reason, on the bird-watching tour’s listing page on our website (here), you’ll see the following note in the “Description” section:

          Minimum/maximum age/weight/height/other requirements
          Children must be at least 10 years of age to participate in this tour.

          Just under the discount price on the child discount page for the bird-watching tour (which you can find here), it says “Age group(s) that receive the child rate for this activity: 10 years.” This means that the discount applies only to children that are 10 years old.

          According to the Mistico Park’s policies, student rates (which the park calls “teen” or “adolescent” rates) apply to individuals between the ages of 11 and 18. Because 10-year-olds are permitted to participate in the bird-watching tour, this leaves 10-year-olds as the only possible users of the child rates. In other words, children 0-9 are unable to participate, children age 10 pay the child rate, individuals 11-18 pay the student/teen/adolescent rate, and individuals who are older pay the adult rate. 🙂

          Pura vida!

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