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    • #104437 Reply

        Dear Pura Vida!

        Can you check please if my tour has been booked or not? I payed twice already but nothing happened. The money hasn’t been taken from my account.
        (#104331): Instructions to guarantee your Arenal Highlights Tour operated by Desafio Adventure Company
        Thank you for your help!
        Kind regards,

      • #104442 Reply

          Hello Milan!

          Thanks so much for your message and for letting us know that you provided Desafio Adventure Company with the payment for their tour! 🙂 To confirm, Desafio Adventure Company hadn’t charged you yet because they were waiting to hear from us after you sent them the payment. As per the note in the email we sent you on December 16th, we were just waiting to hear back from you after you had a chance to provide the payment to Desafio. Now that you’ve done that, you’re all set! 🙂 We let Desafio Adventure Company know that you provided the payment, and they confirmed payment receipt with us, so we can go ahead and send you your discount voucher for the tour.

          To confirm, I just emailed you the discount voucher a few minutes ago. If for some reason you didn’t receive it, just let me know and I can try sending it to you a different way.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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