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    • #104378 Reply
      Milan Katona

        Dear Pura Vida!
        We booked three tours with you, two of them are book but we haven’t heard from the last one which is the Arenal hike, Hanging Bridges and waterfall combo tour.(order:104331)
        Thank you very much!
        Kind regards,

      • #104381 Reply

          Hey Milan!

          I’m so glad to hear from you! We’ve sent you updates re: all three of the tours, so if you’ve only received two updates, one has ended up lost in cyberspace. I can re-send you a copy of the missed email. Also, we have your discount vouchers on file for the other two tours and have just been waiting to hear back from you about those (as per step #2 of the payment instructions). Now that we know they’ve been taken care of, I’ll email you the discount vouchers for those tours too. So, in total, you should receive four emails from us over the next little while: the first email will simply be a notification that we’ve responded to your comment above in the forum, the second email will be a message re-send of the email that was previously missed, and the last two will be your discount vouchers for the other two tours. If, for some reason, any of those four emails don’t reach you within the next hour or so, please report back here in the forum to let us know and I’ll try sending them to you a different way. 🙂

          Pura vida!

        • #104384 Reply

            Hello again Milan!

            This quick note is simply to confirm that I’ve now sent you all four of the emails described in my previous comment. If you didn’t receive all of them, please let me know!

            Pura vida! 🙂

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