Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum I asked Desafio some questions about their tour. Can I still use discount?

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by ,Nikki.
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    • #107276 Reply

        Your site says discounts “cannot be applied to tours for which communication regarding the tours has already taken place between the traveler and the tour operator.” I have asked some questions to Desafio about whether or not I could wear my glasses on their canyoning tour, what time of day is best, lunch before or after etc. Does that mean I can’t use your discount? If so, I don’t want to pay to become a member. But if I can, then it makes sense. Thank you!

      • #107336 Reply

          Hi Theresa!

          Thanks so much for checking in about this. This topic is very important to us because we never want to take customers away from other companies. If the questions you asked were general tour questions, and they didn’t take up much of the tour operator’s time, that’s okay. Where we draw the line is when travelers work with tour operators to make tour arrangements, or they spend a lot of time being back and forth over email. We wouldn’t feel comfortable working with a traveler after that because the traveler would truly be the tour operator’s client, not ours. We do understand that travelers have questions about tours, and we prefer travelers to ask those questions to us so we can avoid taking up the tour operator’s time with them (especially if the traveler is planning to request a discount through us), but I can also appreciate that sometimes travelers reach out to tour operators directly. So long as you haven’t taken up much of the tour operator’s time, or provided them with concrete booking details (such as a tour date, pick-up place, number of participants, etc.) that would lead them to create a reservation in their system for you, you should be fine.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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