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    • #106688 Reply

        Hi – I just became a member and bought a level 5 discount through PayPal. I received the registration email, but somehow messed up when I chose & saved a password (using Apple secure password) and got mixed up with my DIY password! Could you please send me a link to reset my Pura Vida password so I can check out the items in my cart? Many thanks!

      • #106689 Reply

          Hey Katybee!

          No problem at all! To confirm, I sent you a private email containing a temporary password that will let you into your account, so you can officially checkout. As a heads up, that email may have gone straight to your junk mail folder.

          Pura vida! 🙂

        • #106690 Reply

            Hi Nikki
            Thanks so much for replying so quickly! I received an email from a WordPress address confirming that my password was changed, but there’s no temporary password that I can see?
            Would you mind resending please?

          • #106691 Reply

              Hi again Katybee!

              Thanks so much for reporting back! I just tried sending you a message from my personal email account, as opposed to our online messaging system (from which the first email was sent). Hopefully, that email reached you okay!

              Pura vida! 🙂

            • #106694 Reply

                Hi Nikki
                That’s great I received that one – all sorted now . Thanks very much!

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