Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Don Juan Chocloate, Coffee, Sugarcane Tour, Monteverde Discount

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by ,Nikki.
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  • Author
    • #98849 Reply
      Ruma Singh

        Hello Nikki,

        I am not able to find the discount you offer for the above tour in your blog. Do you still offer it and what would be the discounted price per person?


      • #98857 Reply

          Hello Ruma!

          Thanks so much for your interest in our discounts! 🙂

          At the current time, we don’t offer a discount for the Don Juan Coffee, Chocolate, and Sugarcane Tour. We have done so in the past, however, so feel free to check back at a later time (if you don’t plan to travel in the immediate future) to see if it becomes available.

          Pura vida!


        • #98859 Reply
          Ruma Singh

            Ok. Thanks.

          • #101483 Reply
            Richard Massing

              Hi, will you likely have a discount available for this tour by mid March?


            • #101500 Reply

                Hello Richard!

                Thanks so much for inquiring about this! Though things can change at anytime, I don’t believe we’ll be adding a discount for the Don Juan Coffee, Chocolate, and Sugarcane Tour to our discount database anytime soon.

                Pura vida! 🙂

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