Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Do all tours need to be booked at same time?

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    • #103932 Reply

        I have a 5 discount membership. Do I need to book put all of them in the cart and book everything at the same time, or can I do a couple now, and finish the rest at a later time?

      • #103933 Reply

          Hi LizanoLovingLassie!

          Great name, by the way! 😉

          Feel free to do whatever is best for you. If there are discounts you’d like to secure now, you can go ahead and place an order for them now (i.e., you can add those discounts to your cart and checkout). You’re welcome to save the rest of the discounts for later, just make sure you remove them from your cart so they don’t get submitted with the first order of discounts you’d like to secure now. Keep in mind that we require a minimum of 10 days’ notice for all discount requests, so if you opt to save some discounts for later, just make sure you submit an order (or orders) for them prior to 10 days before the requested tour date(s) included with that order.

          Pura vida! 🙂

          • #103939 Reply

              Thank you!

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