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    • #109681 Reply
      Andy Collier

        i bought your book and uploaded my receipt to get access to the diy content. this was two weeks ago but have not received any communication. i need this to happen asap or just refund my money for the book

      • #109684 Reply

          Hi Andy!

          Thanks so much for your interest in the Moon Costa Rica guidebook. I just resent you two emails; one is from the DIY Costa Rica automated service (confirming the DIY Costa Rica account activation) and the other is from me directly (it provides you with the temporary password I assigned to your DIY Costa Rica account, which you can use to log into the DIY Costa Rica website). If for some reason neither of those two emails reached you properly, please let me know so I can try getting them to you a different way.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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