Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Discounts for Desafio tours with onward travel

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    • #103272 Reply
      Kimberly Kimbro

        Hi Nikki!
        We are thinking about rafting our last day in Arenal and using the onward travel to San Jose with Desafio…do you offer a discount on that tour?


      • #103279 Reply

          Hey Kim!

          Thanks so much for checking in with us. Yes, we can offer discounts for that rafting tour option! At the moment, it’s the same cost as the rafting tour option to/from La Fortuna; for the current season, the original cost is $99/adult (plus tax) but our discounted rate is $69.30/adult (plus tax). Our website currently only shows the rafting tour option to/from La Fortuna, but if you’re interested in the San Jose option, simply place an order for the discount for the tour to/from La Fortuna and include a note that you’re interested in the San Jose option. When we receive the order, we’ll update the destinations on our end to reflect your preference. Here’s a link to where you can find the rafting tour option to/from La Fortuna in case you decide to order the discount: https://puravidaeh.ca/discounts/sarapiqui-river-rafting-tour-adult-la-fortuna-desafio-adventure-company/

          Pura vida! 🙂

        • #103281 Reply
          Kimberly Kimbro

            Hi Nikki!
            WOW…I’m always so impressed how thorough you are! I have put our itinerary together trying to utilize the “onward travel” with tours, and with your help and your book (Moon Costa Rica), it has been fun planning and we did it without a rental car! This was literally the last piece of our trip, before we fly home the following day. Our vacation starts with rafting down the Pacuare the day after we arrive, and will end with a rafting trip the day before we go home, sounds like a perfect adventure! We live in Northern California and are very close to the American River, where we found our love for white water rafting. Thank you again for all of your help, guidance and discounts!

            Pura Vida! (I should start getting used to saying it:)


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