Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Discount Vouchers won’t let me log in

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    • #108545 Reply
      Peter Hafemann

        I purchased your Level 10 discount package that includes 6 tour vouchers for 2 people as listed in your chart of packages. I wish to order two Mystico Hanging Bridges Birding tours, but I am unable to log in because the menu states that my account in inactive. What is the problem? I have ordered only three tours so far.

        Peter Hafemann

      • #108550 Reply

          Hi Peter!

          I saw the private email you sent me earlier about this and I’ve since responded to it. Your account is currently “active”, so you should be able to log in now without issue. Let me know if you continue to experience a problem and I’ll offer a workaround. 🙂

          Pura vida!

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