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    • #105249 Reply

        Am I seeing this because I am ordering for a group of 10? Or are all your discounts sold out?

      • #105250 Reply

          Hello Marilynn!

          I’m happy to answer your question! 🙂

          To check, which specific discount are you interested in? I’m not entirely sure which discount you’re looking at, so I can’t say for sure whether it’s available or sold out at the moment. I did spot the email you sent us shortly after posting this forum comment, and in it, you mentioned that you’re interested in a combined zip-lining and rappelling tour for your time in La Fortuna. Several tour operators offer this combined experience but I’m not sure which particular one you have your eye on. 🙂

          Until soon!

        • #105268 Reply
          Marilynn Tannenbaum

            I am interested in the discounts for Arenal Sky Adventures Park Zip line and Arenal and Sky Trek Rappelling canyoning tour. Are those discounts still available for June 21,2022 for a group of 10?

          • #105351 Reply

              Hi Marilynn!

              Great news! Currently, we only require 10 days’ notice to accept tour discount requests, so we can certainly process an order for discounts for your trip in June. 🙂

              Just to clarify, the Arenal Sky Adventures Park’s Sky Trek Canopy Tour is a zip-lining tour, not a rappelling/canyoning tour. Did you mean “Pure Trek” (instead of “Sky Trek”) by chance? Pure Trek runs a canyoning tour, so my best guess is that it’s their tour you have in mind.

              Pura vida!

            • #105348 Reply
              Alyssa Myres

                I am looking for discount guided tour of Manuel Antonio park. It says you are out of stock or sold out. We are planning to go to the park on May 7th-will you have more discounts available before then?

              • #105353 Reply

                  Hey Alyssa!

                  Reactivating our discounts for the Manuel Antonio National Park is something we plan to work on during the upcoming low season. Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll have them ready by/for early May. 🙁

                  Don’t hesitate to let us know if there are any discounts that are currently in stock that we can help you access!

                  Pura vida! 🙂

                • #105479 Reply
                  Marilynn Tannenbaum

                    Hi! Replying to the available discounts. We are actually looking to do both tours. The zip line at
                    9 am on June 20th and the rappelling tour at noon on June 20th for 10 people total. Do you have those available?

                  • #105485 Reply

                      Hello Marilynn!

                      Fortunately, we currently have availability for discounts for both tours! As a heads up, I wouldn’t recommend doing the Sky Trek tour at 9:00am (it typically wraps up around 11:30am but could run late) and Pure Trek’s afternoon canyoning tour because the timeline between the two tours will be very tight. If you take the Sky Trek tour at 9:00am, you may miss Pure Trek’s afternoon tour, which begins at 12:00pm. (You’ll need to plan to arrive at Pure Trek’s office around 11:45am, and it’s a good 20-minute drive away from Sky Adventures’s Arenal Park.) If you only have one travel day to fit in both tours, I’d recommend taking the 8:00am Sky Trek tour, so you have an extra hour of buffer time between the two tours, or else take Pure Trek’s morning tour (7:00am) and one of Sky Trek’s afternoon tours (1:00pm, 2:00pm, or 3:00pm).

                      Pura vida! 🙂

                    • #105489 Reply
                      Marilynn Tannenbaum

                        Thank you so much for the recommendation on the tour times. We will adjust to an earlier time for the sky trek. I appreciate your help and response.

                      • #105488 Reply
                        Marilynn Tannenbaum

                          Thank you so much for the recommendation on the tour times. We will adjust to an earlier time for the sky trek. I appreciate your help and response.

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