Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum DISCOUNT: Pure Trek Canyoning Tour and Mountain Biking Tour Combo

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    • #105412 Reply

        hi! We’d like to get the following DISCOUNT: Pure Trek Canyoning Tour and Mountain Biking Tour Combo, which I don’t yet see on your website as an option to choose (only see it on your list of those available). Also, will there be seperate ones for Adult and Child or is all pricing the same for this tour?

      • #105449 Reply

          Hey Grapfamof5!

          I know we’ve been in contact about this over email since you posted the comment above, but just in case any other travelers are reading this and are interested to know the answer, I’ll post it below.

          The Canyoning and Mountain Biking Tour Combo has been added to our discount database, and you can find it here: https://puravidaeh.ca/discounts/canyoning-tour-and-mountain-biking-tour-adult-la-fortuna-pure-trek/

          There’s no child discount because Pure Trek prices their tours for travelers of all ages, so the same rate applies to children and adults.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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