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    • #104107 Reply


        I would like to purchase 2 of your discounts for 2 people, however, I see that there is a min 10-day requirement to purchase the tickets and I need one for 11/25/21 and another for 11/28/21 so it’s obviously under 10 days I was wondering if there is still a way of getting the discount? We would greatly appreciate it if you could.

      • #104109 Reply

          Hi Silvana!

          Quick question: Which exact tour were you hoping to do on the 25th, and which exact tour were you hoping to do on the 28th? We have different arrangements with different tour operators, so whether or not we can rush a discount request for you will depend on which exact tours you’re interested in doing, and on which dates. If you’re able to respond to us asap, depending on the tours you have in mind, we may be able to make them work! 🙂

          Pura vida!

          • #104119 Reply

              Great, thank you so much! The tour I was hoping to do on 11/25/21 is the Springs Resort Hot Springs Pass with Lunch or Dinner + Extra Free day – Adult. And on 11/28/21 we wanted to do Selvatura Canopy Tour (Ziplining) and Treetop Walkways Hanging Bridges (Self-guided) – Adult (Monteverde).

          • #104120 Reply

              Hi Silvana!

              Thanks so much for your response!

              Unfortunately, we won’t be able to provide you with our discount for the Springs Resort hot springs pass this close to your desired visit date, but if you’re able to submit an order through our website for Selvatura’s tour by tomorrow at the latest, we should be able to make that work for the 28th. 🙂

              Until soon!

            • #104135 Reply

                Thank you! I made the reservation. My Paypal is linked to another e-mail so the request should be from that e-mail.

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