Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) › Forums › NEW! Our Discount Database Forum › Did not receive a link to join Pura Vida
- This topic has 3 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by ,
Camille Campbell
I have checked my promotions tab, social tab, trash, and spam. No link was received. I purchased using PayPal about 10 hours ago and do have a receipt from the bank that the transaction posted to my credit card. You can use any version of my name for a login.
Thanks -
KeymasterHi Camille!
Thanks so much for reaching out and letting us know! 🙂
One quick question: I checked our records of Pura Vida! eh? payments and cannot see yours there. I can see your payment in our records of DIY Costa Rica payments, though. This means that you purchased a membership to DIY Costa Rica, our sister site, and not Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (this site).
To confirm, the two projects (Pura Vida! eh? and DIY Costa Rica) are separate; each one is tied to a separate website/initiative of ours.
A DIY Costa Rica account provides access to all of the protected content on our DIY Costa Rica website (https://www.diycostarica.com), including our Costa Rica Destination Tool, our Costa Rica Recommendations Map, and all of our private Costa Rica recommendations.
A Pura Vida! eh? account provides access to the checkout page on our Pura Vida! eh? website (https://puravidaeh.ca), where you can submit an order for discounts.
If you meant to purchase a membership for DIY Costa Rica, which is what you have done, I can send you a new DIY Costa Rica account registration link (because you mentioned you didn’t receive the auto-sent one) so you can begin accessing that site asap! 🙂
If you meant to purchase a membership for Pura Vida! eh? Inc. instead, I can refund your purchase for DIY Costa Rica so you can purchase a membership for Pura Vida! eh? Inc.
Either way, I can certainly help, I’m just not sure which solution is best to provide because I’m not sure which account you’d prefer. Of course, if you’d prefer to have both accounts, I can send you a new registration link for DIY Costa Rica, and you can purchase an account for Pura Vida! eh? Inc. so you can have access to the benefits provided by both sites/projects.
Pura vida! 🙂
Camille Campbell
I think just send me the DIY Costa Rica log in information. The Pura Vida pricing is rather confusing. I’m living in San José for a year, and will have various groups of visitors. I’d like to have access to the discounts – but will have various groups to accommodate and the first group of 4 arrives Jan. 14 which is too short notice to use the discount anyway. If I can pay the $99.99 to have access through August 2023, then I think it might be worthwhile.
KeymasterHi again Camille!
Sure thing! 🙂 As soon as I finish writing this response, I’ll send you the DIY Costa Rica account registration link via private email. (If I post that here, in the public forum, anyone could use it to access your DIY Costa Rica account.)
With respect to a Pura Vida! eh? Inc. account, the pricing is based on the number of people in your travel group and the number of tour discounts you want to access. It’s a one-time use membership, meaning that you purchase the membership in order to have access to a particular booking (or bookings, depending on the membership level you purchase), and once that booking has been made, the membership is complete. Pura Vida! eh? Inc. memberships don’t have a validity period of 1 year like DIY Costa Rica memberships do; the two projects/websites/accounts are very different.
To confirm, once you activate your DIY Costa Rica account, you can access the information currently on the DIY Costa Rica website, and new information we add to it, for a period of one year.
If you decide you’d like to access one or more of the tour discounts that you see on our Pura Vida! eh? Inc. website, that access will require the purchase of a Pura Vida! eh? Inc. membership. For example, if you have a group of 4 and you want all of them to access a discount we offer for a canopy zip-lining tour, you’d purchase Discount Level 3 for $19.99, which awards you access to one of our tour discounts for a total of 4 people (you can learn more about the Discount Level here), and use it place an order for our canopy zip-lining tour discount. Later, say in a few months from now, if you have another group of 4 people who want to access a discount we offer for a rafting tour, you’d need to purchase Discount Level 3 for $19.99 again, and that time use it to place an order for our rafting tour discount.
If you want/need clarification on our pricing at any point over the next year while you’re in-country and hosting groups, feel free to use this forum to send me the number of people in your travel group and the number (and names) of the specific tours you want to experience, and I can let you know what the Pura Vida! eh? Inc. membership cost would be. 🙂
Pura vida, and all the best to you in Chepe (San José)!