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    • #105347 Reply

        Is the membership to PuraVida included with membership to DIY Costa Rica or is it an additional $5.99 to get the discounts??!! thanks!

      • #105354 Reply

          Hey Melody!

          Thank you so much for your interest, and great question! DIY Costa Rica and Pura Vida! eh? are both projects of ours, but they’re independent of each other. (In other words, you can have a DIY Costa Rica membership, a Pura Vida! eh? membership, or both!) To confirm, the two projects, their respective websites, and the accounts required to access each are different:

          -a DIY Costa Rica account provides access to all of the protected content on our DIY Costa Rica website (, including our Costa Rica Destination Tool.
          -a Pura Vida! eh? account provides access to the checkout page on our Pura Vida! eh? website ( where you can submit an order for discounts.

          To clarify, $5.99 is the current price of a DIY Costa Rica membership. Pricing for a Pura Vida! eh? membership depends on the size of your group and the number of discounts you want to access. For more information about Pura Vida! eh? membership pricing, please see this page:

          Pura vida! 🙂

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