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    • #102676 Reply
      Seth DeVirgilio

        Hello…. We are so excited to have found your info. We ordered your book off amazon, and bought your $5 extra info tonite also. We are coming w our 3 adult (21, 23, 25) kiddos and wanted to know where to start..Im over whelmed 🙂 in a good way haha. My daughter might also stay beyond our travel dates- to wander, teach, play, etc–(if you have any good advice) she lived in VN for a bit and is interested in staying in CR now too 🙂 SO…….. I have rented a car on rentalcar.com before seeing your info, Im confused about all the insurance, but am re-reading it. ANYHOW–MOSTLY…we are looking for OFF the beaten path, local tour guides, SAFE but different-risky-fun-out of the box things to do. THANK YOU SOOOOOOOO much in advance for any help you can give me. We are open to driving to the Caribbean side, working with locals and tour companies, whatever!! THNXX

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