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    • #106571 Reply
      Becca Ortiz

        If my partner and I cannot arrive to the Springs Resort until 11:30am on Saturday, January 21, 2023, can we still purchase the Club Rio Outdoor Center Multi-Adventure package? The description mentions that you all would contact the operator to see if they could accommodate later start times. We are interested in doing the wildlife sanctuary tour and the river tubing.

      • #106659 Reply

          Hi Becca!

          Thanks so much for your patience with us! Because you inquired about a date during the 2023 season, we had to wait for the Springs Resort to confirm the tour times for each activity next year, in case they changed from this year. Fortunately, the resort has responded and provided this information to us, so I can now let you know that the following will be the possible tour times for the river tubing and wildlife sanctuary tours during the 2023 season:

          River tubing: 10:45 am, 12:45 pm, 1:45 pm
          Wildlife sanctuary: 8:45am, 9:45am, 10:45am, 12:45pm, 1:45pm, 2:45pm

          Each tour usually starts 15 minutes after the above-posted times and takes roughly one hour. So, if you aren’t able to arrive at the Springs Resort until 11:30am, provided there’s availability for this arrangement, you could take the 12:45pm tubing tour and the 2:45pm wildlife tour.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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