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    • #104792 Reply

        Are there any clothing-optional hot springs available in the La Fortuna area?

      • #104800 Reply

          Hi Gerry!

          Great question! To be honest, I cannot say for sure as I don’t have a copy of each hot spring property’s policies on file to reference. That being said, I’ve been to every public hot springs property in La Fortuna, and I’ve viewed the policies at each, and I don’t recall discovering one that permits clothing-optional soaks. I believe each property requires bathers to wear bathing attire at all times. I’m fairly certain of this, but I’m not 100% (any one of the properties could have changed their policies recently, too) so if there’s one or a few that you’re interested in, I’d recommend reaching out to them directly to have them confirm their current bathing policy.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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