Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Canyoning Tour and Balsa River Tour from La Fortuna

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    • #105331 Reply
      Michael Newman


        I am interested in booking this Canyoning and Whitewater tour from La Fortuna. Do you know how long is the drive once we get on the bus? I know that the entire tour is 8 hours, just curious how much if that is driving.

        Also, what tours from La Fortuna do you recommend? We are interested in Extreme type tours. Is this a good one? Or would you recommend something else?

        Mike Newman

      • #105332 Reply

          Hey Mike!

          Thanks so much for your interest! 🙂

          In this particular combo, the Balsa River Rafting Tour is the tour that’s performed the furthest from La Fortuna; the river is about a 35-minute drive from town. In contrast, where the Canyoning Tour is performed is about a 20-minute drive from town.

          As for extreme tours, the combined canyoning and rafting tour is a ton of fun, but for “extreme” experiences, you may want to consider upgrading your rafting tour experience from a class 2/3 river (the Balsa River) to a class 3/4 river (such as the class 3/4 section of the Sarapiqui River or the Pacuare River). The higher river class will provide you with bigger (i.e., more extreme) rapids. The only problem with this upgrade is that most class 3/4 river trips are full-day trips, so you’d need to do the canyoning tour on a separate day. (Canyoning is a half-day experience).

          For identifying other “extreme” tours, you can sort the various discounts in our discount database by “extreme adrenaline” (https://puravidaeh.ca/product-tag/extreme-adrenaline/). The results page shows all matching tours regardless of where they take place in the country, but you can easily identify which are La Fortuna tours by simply reading the tour’s title (look for “From La Fortuna” in the tour’s title).

          Pura vida! 🙂

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