Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Availability of Springs Resort Hot Springs

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    • #106657 Reply


        I am interested in booking access for 2 people to the Springs Resort Hot Springs on 12/28 or 12/29. Prior to becoming a member, I’d like to ensure these dates are actually available. Could you please confirm you have passes available on one of these dates?

        Thank you!


      • #106661 Reply

          Hi Preeti!

          Thanks so much for inquiring about this. Unfortunately, no passes to the Springs Resort (or its on-site adventure center, Club Rio) will be available on those dates. 🙁 This isn’t an availability issue, rather, a resort blackout issue. The resort has decided to close to public visitors, remaining open to overnight guests of the Springs Resort only, between December 16th and January 7th. This means that passes aren’t possible (through us, another company, or the resort directly, unless you opt to stay overnight at the resort) for a visit on December 28th or 29th.

          I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news here! Please let us know if there are other discounts we can help you with.

          Pura vida! 🙂

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