Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts) Forums NEW! Our Discount Database Forum Arenal Highlights Tour Discount within 10 Day Limit

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    • #104263 Reply

        Hello, I would like to purchase two of the “Discount: Arenal Highlights Tour (Hanging Bridges, Arenal 1968 Volcano Tour, And Rio Fortuna Waterfall) – Adult” for 12/17, which is within the 10 day minimum. I was wondering if an exception could be made in this case? Thank you.

      • #104264 Reply

          Hey Evan!

          Thanks so much for your interest in our discounts! We usually receive confirmations for the Arenal Highlights Tour within two or three days of us requesting them, so we should be able to process your request without problem if you place the order through our website by the end of the day today. 🙂

          Pura vida! 🙂

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