Pura Vida! eh? Inc. (Costa Rica Discounts)

Your order (order #105149) has been canceled!

Hey Karen!

This quick email is to confirm that your order (order #105149) has been canceled.

What happened?

It’s most likely that your order was canceled because we didn’t receive a response from you to an email we sent that contained the tour operator’s payment instructions. When this happens, we assume you’ve changed your mind about the discount, and if so, not to worry! Life happens, changes are inevitable, and we completely understand. If we had one or more discounts held for you based on the item(s) you requested with order #105149, we’ve gone ahead and returned them to our discount database so other travelers can access them. (If you’re still interested in the discount/order, please see the “Ways to still access our discounts” section of this email.)

Less common reasons why we may have canceled your order include:

  1. We may have canceled the order because you asked us to or because you informed us that you submitted the order by mistake.
  2. We may have canceled the order because during checkout you opted not to consent to receive follow-up emails from us regarding your order.
  3. We may have canceled the order because during checkout you noted that one or more of the individuals included under the order doesn’t meet the tour requirements as outlined under the “Minimum/maximum age/weight/height/other requirements” section on the tour description page.
  4. We may have canceled the order because you requested a discount for children or free children without submitting an order for adult participants.
  5. We may have canceled the order because the item you requested isn’t available. Please note that if item availability was an issue, you would have received a separate email from us confirming that.
  6. We may have canceled the order because the tour date you requested doesn’t comply with the minimum number of days we need to process orders (ten days). Please note that if this was the case, you would have received a separate email from us confirming that.

Ways to still access our discounts:

If you’re still interested in the item(s) you requested through us for order #105149 and you’d prefer us not to cancel the request(s), please reply to this message asap to let us know. If it’s not too late for us to do so, we’ll simply reinstate the order and resume its processing.

If the order cancelation was due to you opting not to consent to receive follow-up emails from us regarding your order, please resubmit your order request through our website and be sure to write “YES” when prompted to consent on the checkout page. Following the new order submission, you’ll be issued a new order number and we’ll begin processing that order for you right away.

If you’re still interested in the item(s) you ordered through us but didn’t receive our follow-up email(s) regarding tour availability or tour operator payment instructions, please reply to this message asap to let us know. Our records indicate that a message regarding either availability or payment instructions was emailed to you, but it’s possible the message got lost in cyberspace (alternatively, it could be hiding in your junk mail folder). If so, don’t fret! We can send you copies of any missing emails.

If you wish to obtain discounts for items other than those you originally requested with order #105149, please submit a new order through our website (you’ll be issued a new order number in that case) and we’ll be happy to process those discounts for you.

Pura vida, amigos!

Nikki and Ricky

P.S. Several of our emails are automated but the team behind each is comprised of humans! If you need to get in touch with us, simply reply to this message and either Nikki or Ricky will get back to you. We also offer a free live chat service to our Pura Vida! eh? Inc. clients whenever we’re available (you’ll need your order number to access the live chat), so if you notice we’re online, feel free to connect with us that way instead. We’re always happy to help!